Session Handouts
9:30 a.m.
DNA | You’ve Had Your DNA Tested—Now What? | Lisa Tompson
METHODS | Family Storytelling: Go from Daunting to Doable | Janene Zaccone
ETHNIC | Italian Family Research Part 1 | Jack Cipriano
HISTORY | Where did they come from? | Phil Harvey (Bonus: Stuart's Early Local Black Community)
11 a.m.
DNA | Why Get a DNA Test and How is it Useful? | Michael Godown
METHODS | Building the Story by Adding Newspapers | Miles Meyer
TOOLS | Doing a Deep Dive into Ancestry’s Collections | Annette Burke Lyttle Chapel
METHODS | Social Media for Genealogy | Deborah Hallacy
ETHNIC | Italian Family Research Part 2 | Jack Cipriano
1:15 p.m.
DNA | Introduction to DNA Genealogy, GEDmatch & DNA Painter | Joe Boriotti
METHODS | Adding Maps to Your Analysis | Miles Meyer
TOOLS | Dive Deeper into FamilySearch | Annette Burke Lyttle
METHODS | Digging Up Your Ancestors-Genealogy in the Cemetery | Gary Swain
2:25 p.m.
TOOLS | The Future of Family Search | Miles Meyer
METHODS | Prospecting for Family History in Unexpected Places | Annette Burke Lyttle
ETHNIC | Researching German Ancestors | David Attride
The Martin County Genealogical Society and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints co-sponsor Family History Fair.